


Located in Los Angeles
Satellite Offices in San Francisco and New York

About Us

Flares get noticed, shining a beacon in a chaotic marketplace, and leading the way. At DigitalFlare, we do one thing exceptionally well: create digital video advertisements. Our team of driven, artistic professionals are experts in our industry with over 15 years of operation in digital video, with combined decades of video marketing experience and insight.

We feature a highly collaborative process, bringing our expertise to bear on advertisement campaigns of all sizes and target markets. Using cutting-edge industry equipment, and creative inspiration, we capture a brand’s message with crisp sound, vivid color, and compelling storytelling.

Our competitively priced packages allow our clients to customize their specific requirements, providing an excellent customer service experience, focusing on client satisfaction and maximized return on investment.


Of Consumers Want More
Videos From Brands


Video Marketers
Satisfied with ROI


Businesses that gain new
customers from branded video


Increase in Video-Driven
Search Engine Organic Traffic

Our Vision & Values

  • Creativity
    A perfect shot can only be captured by an artist, with vivid color, crisp sound, and dynamic camera movement. Our cinematic artists actualize our clients’ vision.
  • Expertise
    The DigitalFlare team has decades of industry experience, and a passion for innovation with cutting-edge equipment, and an inclusive, versatile methodology.
  • Quality
    Our commitment to quality extends beyond creating video advertisements. We strive for an excellent customer experience, focused on informative, professional communication.

Results Focused

Every digital marketing campaign is unique, but the end goal is always the same: optimize return on investment. We work closely with our clients to ensure that every aspect is clearly defined and strategically achieved.

From the initial free consultation, to production and editing, to optional campaign analytics and optimization, our focus is on creating the highest quality marketing videos, with the intended target audience in mind. Client success is our top priority, and we excel at forming lasting business relationships.


Our Clients

Customer Feedback

Michael Doe

Mauris at elit magna Nulla tincidunt ultricies odio, eget egestas diam placerat quis. Sed accumsan nunc ligula, non viverra mi accumsan a. Donec at aliquet libero.

Ryan Murphy

Praesent sem neque, vestibulum non cursus quis, faucibus nec diam. Nullam porttitor nulla quam, vel ornare sem vulputate at Nunc eget lacus faucibus

Anthony Daverese

Vivamus in tincidunt nisi. Etiam molestie enim quis orci gravida, vel dictum risus blandit. Morbi condimentum sit amet lectus in volutpat.

Robert Smith

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse maximus tortor vel dui suscipit vehicula. Ut semper volutpat diam. Donec in egestas ex.
